
Monday, November 19, 2012

Concrete Coordinator - Rizzani de Eccher-OHL-Boodai-Trevi Joint Venture - Kuwait

Coordinates concrete deliveries and pumps from various suppliers in line with requirements of different sections / sub contractors.
Maintains supply in order of priority for concrete placement.
Ensure correct concrete mix is delivered to the required location on time.
Ensure all concrete pours are adequately planned and relevant parties have been made aware of the plan for production, inspection, testing and placement purposes.
Provide sufficient flexibility and contingency resources to maintain production and assure the quality of works meet the contractual requirements.
Prepare weekly reports.
Maintain records of estimated quantities to be poured and pour rates.
Check constituent material stores to ensure that there is sufficient to batch the appropriate volumes of conrete
Verify and record QC tests undertaken at the batching plant by the suppliers and JV QC staff
Make arrangements for any pump movement

Send CV at:  risum@rizzanideeccher.com