
Friday, November 16, 2012

Teachers - Kingdom Schools - Saudi Arabia

Kingdom Schools is a private precinct of eight schools on two adjoining campuses; one for boys and the other substantially for girls.  The schools cater for students from kindergarten level to university entrance level. 
Information describing the state-of-the-art facilities and resources can be accessed on the school’s website at http://www.kingdomschools.edu.sa/

Two curriculum models are offered to families.  Students can either follow the national curriculum, leading to university entrance in the Kingdom, or an international curriculum, graduating with the American High School Diploma.  The students are from privileged families who are highly supportive of the school.

We require teachers of the following core subjects asap: English, History & Chemistry.

The teachers we currently seek will teach in the international program through the English language medium.

Riyadh is a modern, expanding city steeped in history and culture. The cost of living is moderate and the facilities include magnificent shopping malls, high-tech infrastructure and comfortable housing.

For assistance in completing your profile or submitting an application please email careers@gemseducation.com